Moving Out 續作
Raise a crop of plantlike Pikmin and guide them on an endearing expedition!
《薩爾達傳說 曠野之息》續篇登場。
Explore the Origin of Iconic Space Hero - Metroid
In the world of Solistia, eight new travelers venture forth into an exciting new era.
「Fire Emblem」系列最新作品的舞台,是以4個王國與1個聖地組成的世界「艾雷歐斯大陸」。
Hori Split Pad Compact - Pokemon - Lucario & Pikachu
Hori Split Pad Compact - Pokemon - Charizard & Pikachu
The First Open World RPG in the Pokemon Series
Tactics Ogre, crown jewel of the tactical role-playing genre, is reborn!
A genre-bending platform adventure created purely for co-op. Invite a friend to join for free with Friend’s Pass*
《哆啦 A 夢 牧場物語》系列的最新作品,支援最多 2 名玩家一起進行離線遊玩。